Box of Spells

Box of Spells is a fantasy card game where players build their realms, accumulate treasure & magical relics and cast spells to determine who will become the Spellmaster!
It's always fun to steal your friends' treasure! In Box of Spells there are many ways... Cast Shadowthief using a combination of Beetle Bits and Dragon's Blood from your Spellhold to steal the Crystal Meteorite. Or perhaps use your Mirror of Mists to Enchant your opponent's Sanctuary (to prevent them from blocking you by using Aleya's Light, of course) and then use the Scroll of Summoning to steal the left side of the Sun Disc to complete it, raising the value to 70. Or will you cast the Advanced Spell 'Windfingers' to get by your opponent's Item Aura and steal Gala's Riches?
The possibilities are infinite...
108 Cards
2 Spellbooks
Endless hours of fun
Use your spellcasting powers to obtain the most treasure by the time the deck runs out.
Your space on the table--consisting of a Keep, a Sanctuary and a Spellhold--is your Realm. The first objective of the game is to obtain these three Edifices, either through drawing them from the draw pile or through negotiating with another player (during turn only). Players will put their corresponding Items (ie Treasures, Relics and Elements) within each. Players may only have one of each type of Edifice at the same time, and Items may only be placed in your Realm if it has the corresponding Edifice.
Items are cards which you keep within the Edifices in your Realm. There are three types of Items--corresponding to the three types of Edifices--plus the Advanced Spells. The color of the Item card border is the same as the Edifice in which should be placed:
You may hide one Item under each corresponding Edifice. These cards are NOT protected from Relics or Spells, but may be used or switched during gameplay as a surprise.
Note that any other Items in your Realm are open to the public--a thief may freely peruse your Treasures before stealing one of them!
Casting spells to enchant your opponents and/or steal their Treasure is half the fun! There are two types of Spells: Basic Spells and Advanced Spells. Both require specific combinations of Elements to be cast.
Elements: There are four Elements in total, as well as Wild Magic. Like it sounds--Wild Magic cards an be used as any Element. Spell formulas use the first letter of each Element (ie AB, BCD, etc.)
Being the Spellmaster comes with benefits! For the next round of gameplay the Spellmaster starts by trading a card from his/her hand with a randomly selected one from each player in the game!
Try adding a couple of your own, specialized benefits for the Spellcaster, too!